With the drawing "The Allegory of Death. Polittico" by Lina Malfona, the University of Pisa is present in the exhibition "In Memoriam" at Yale School of Architecture (February 20, 2020 - March 28, 2020).
Along with poets and gravediggers, architects belong to a very small group of people who might be expected to take a professional interest in how they are memorialized after death. And many architects have indeed designed their own tombs, from Mimar Sinan to Le Corbusier.
In Memoriam presents tombs that architects design for themselves, in the past and the present, as a starting point in a conversation about memory and death in Architecture. What do we as architects choose to remember and honor—and how?

Exhibition credits
Jerome Tryon
David Schaengold
Luka Pajovic
Barozzi Veiga
Adolf Loos (as drawn by David Schaengold)
Deborah Berke
Samantha Mink
Erin & Ian Besler
Miles Gertler
Lina Malfona
Mark Foster Gage
Enric Miralles (as drawn by Jerome Tryon)
Cazu Zegers
Sam Jacob
John Soane (as drawn by Jerome Tryon)
Clark Thenhaus
Alan Maskin & Juan Ferreira of Olson Kundig
Igor Bragado
Christopher Wren (as drawn by Luka Pajovic)
Aniket Shahane
Barclay & Crousse
Ariane Lourie Harrison
Young & Ayata
Jože Plečnik (as drawn by Luka Pajovic)
Peter Baldwin
Margaret McCurry & Stanley Tigerman
Brian Delford Andrews
Bryan Cantley
Mimar Sinan (as drawn by David Schaengold)
Níall McLaughlin
Flores & Prats
Stephen Slaughter & Aaron Tkac
Neri & Hu
Kurt Forster
Mark Foster Gage
Mary McLeod
Margaret McCurry
Bryan Fuermann
Kyle Dugdale
Andrew Benner
Alison Walsh
The Yale Architecture Gallery Staff
Further details on the exhibition available at https://www.architecture.yale.edu/exhibitions/69-in-memoriam